



机动车碰撞是美国成人和儿童死亡和重伤的主要原因.S. To support its mission of saving lives, 国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)制定和实施教育, engineering, 以及防止车祸悲剧的执法项目. 推进和改进保护乘员工作的一个重要组成部分是获得有关约束使用的准确数据,以便为有针对性的外展活动提供信息.

In 1991, 《趣赢平台》(ISTEA)要求提供搭带和肩带使用情况的数据和分析, nationally and in each state, by federal, state, and local law enforcement officers, by military personnel, by federal and state employees other than law enforcement officers, and by the public. As such, 1994年进行了第一次全国居住者保护使用调查(NOPUS), and 趣赢平台 has conducted the study annually since 1999.

In 2000, Congress passed the Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, 《趣赢平台》(TREAD)指示交通部(DOT)将4至8岁儿童的伤亡人数减少25%. NHTSA授予趣赢平台合同,设计并实施全国助推器座椅使用调查(NSUBS),以测量0至13岁儿童的儿童约束使用情况.


NOPUS和NSUBS调查旨在提供指导NHTSA工作和应对上述挑战所需的信息. For NOPUS specifically, 数据收集人员在白天观察乘用车和摩托车. They record seat belt use in the first and second rows, motorcyclists’ helmet use, and driver electronic device use. 为了完成NOPUS, 趣赢平台的现场数据收集人员访问了美国各地约2000个站点.S. The work is divided between 2 observers, 他们站在路边,沿着高速公路行驶,收集所需的信息.

现场工作人员使用智能手机设备收集数据,并使用GPS技术获得前往数据收集点的驾驶方向. 我们的地理信息系统(GIS)人员执行复杂的日程安排, mapping, 和质量控制程序,以方便跟踪现场工作和进度报告. Throughout each day, 数据及时传送和审查,以确保准确性和完整性.

In 2022, 趣赢平台 staff observed 119,400+ occupants in 98,300+ vehicles in the NOPUS Moving Traffic Survey. As noted in NHTSA’s Traffic Safety Facts article: Seat Belt Use in 2022 – Overall Results“2022年,全国估计成年前座乘客使用安全带的人数为91人.6%, a record high although not statistically different (at the 0.05 level) from 90.4% observed in 2021.” Because the NOPUS sites were selected probabilistically, 我们可以检验多年估算变化的统计显著性,并分析趋势数据.

NSUBS provides a snapshot estimate of child restraint use in the U.S. wherein our staff biennially collect data from 400+ sites, including day care centers, fast food restaurants, gas stations, and recreational centers nationwide to gather this information. They observe 8,000+ children in 5,并与司机进行简短的访谈,以确定年龄, height, weight, race, and ethnicity of the child occupants. 这些信息提供了对儿童使用约束的估计,并有助于衡量儿童在准备好之前过早脱离约束或不适合其年龄的约束的程度, height, and weight. It also provides demographic information, which helps NHTSA target its programs, policies, messaging, and outreach to promote the importance of proper child restraint use.

Preparation for the surveys begins with high-quality sample designs, development of field procedures, training of field data collectors, 并开发技术基础设施,以支持质量控制程序和数据分析. Periodically, 我们的统计人员更新了样本,以反映该国不断变化的人口中心和交通特征. Both surveys use complex, multistage probability samples; statistical data editing; imputation of unknown values; and complex estimation procedures.


By providing the agency with the critical data it needs, NHTSA can determine the effectiveness of its programs, policies, public service campaigns, 并宣传对所有乘员使用安全带的重要性. 我们提供的人口统计数据也有助于NHTSA更好地定位其安全信息.

Our latest NOPUS survey showed that seat belt use has increased. 2022年,全国估计成年前座乘客使用安全带的人数为91人.6%, compared to 84.1% in 2009. 最新的NSUBS发现,所有13岁以下儿童使用约束装置的比例为89.2021年为8%,尽管与2019年的估计87%没有统计学差异.9%.

趣赢平台’s historical knowledge, large-scale observational experience, child passenger safety experts, 新一代的数据科学家使我们能够帮助NHTSA实现其使命.

Adele Polson, Project Director


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